Doctors Notes:

Screen Time Safety Tips

R. Garett Shook

Hello Holland Pediatric families!

This blog will help you discuss internet safety with your family and friends. Plus, help
you become more sensitive to methods people use to exploit children on the internet.

A few questions to focus the facts:

1.) Who should care about internet safety?
-Anyone with a device that connects with the internet
-Anyone with a child that uses a phone, tablet or desktop computer
2.) Why should we care about internet safety?
– When a device is connected to the internet our personal information may be
used or seen by others.
– With children they are easily exposed to inappropriate information or images
3.) How can personal information be used?
– Steal our financial information
-Identity theft
-Pictures of themselves
-Personal information that should only be shared with close family

-Grooming children by developing initially innocent relationships with them

4.) How can we become more safe and aware of internet safety problems?
– Talk more
-Start with family – what do you consider personal information
* Names
*Social security number
*cell number
– Learn more -Some nice resources:

5 unhealthy ways Digital Ads may be targeting your child

Tips for parents in the Digital Age

Please feel free to discuss with your provider at HPA
Texting within a chat room, website or game may come from an
unknown person. These unknown people often may be the same
age as your child but can also be older adult men and women.
These texts can start with small talk and may lead to unhealthy,
inappropriate and unwanted online relationships.